Mr. Samwel Maneno

Samwel Maneno was appointed as The Deputy Attorney General of The United Republic of Tanzania on August 14, 2024. Prior to this appointment, he served in the capacity of Personal Assistant to the President (Legal Affairs), under the President’s Private Office, State House. Previously, he served as a Corporate Audit Manager and thereafter a Legal Manager Corporate Affairs at the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).
He holds a Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) from Tumaini University and Masters of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management (Msc. PSCM) from Mzumbe University and further holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law School of Tanzania (LST).
He holds Certificates on Negotiation Analysis and Negotiation Mastery for effective Contracts, Certification on Digital Transformation, Leading Change and Organizational Renewal from Havard Business School (HBC), Executive Online Education, Boston in the city of Massachusetts.
He is a member of the Public Bar Association (PBA), Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) and East Africa Law Society (EALS).
He is a registered member of both the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Global and Tanzania Chapter, an Affiliate member of the Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB), member of the Institute of Directors in Tanzania (IoDT) and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) with registration No. 6093057.
He holds strong understanding and practical experience on Legal Corporate Affairs, Public Procurement Governance, Arbitration, Public Private Partnership (PPP), Audit and Construction Projects Audit and Management for all forms of Contract.