Identifying Potential Projects: At the start of each budget cycle, contracting authorities identify potential PPP projects and check with relevant authorities, especially to ensure alignment with national priorities.
Submission of Pre-Feasibility Studies: These are submitted to the Minister and forwarded to the PPP Centre for analysis.
PPP Centre Review: The PPP Centre reviews the pre-feasibility studies within 21 working days and provides feedback on whether to proceed with a feasibility study.
Conducting Detailed Studies: A feasibility study is undertaken to examine the project's technical, financial, legal, environmental, and social aspects more thoroughly.
PPP Centre and Sector Minister Approval: The results are submitted for approval, ensuring the project is aligned with strategic, economic, and technical viability.
PPP Steering Committee Review: Projects deemed feasible enter a review phase, during which the PPP Steering Committee evaluates and gives final approval for the project to proceed to procurement.
Detailed Project Design: This phase involves finalising the specifications and requirements before procurement.
Bid Invitation: A competitive bidding process invites private sector bids.
Evaluation of Bids: Bids are based on predefined criteria such as value for money, technical feasibility, and financial stability.
Preferred Bidder Selection: The PPP Centre reviews, and the Steering Committee approves the selection of the preferred bidder.
Finalising Terms: The contracting authority negotiates terms with the selected bidder to finalize the contract.
Contract Signing: The PPP agreement is signed upon successful negotiations, marking the commercial and financial closure.
Project Initiation: The project moves into the implementation phase, where the physical work begins.
Ongoing Monitoring and Compliance: The PPP Centre and the contracting authority ensure compliance with the PPP agreement and monitor performance to ensure the project meets agreed standards and timelines.
Regular Updates: The contracting authority must provide regular updates on project progress.
Audit and Review: Periodic audits and evaluations are conducted to assess the impact and performance of the project.