The United Republic of Tanzania

Public Private Partnership Centre

( PPPC )

Operation of Longline Vessels for Deep-Sea Fishing

Posted On: 11 September, 2024
Operation of Longline Vessels for Deep-Sea Fishing

The Government of Tanzania desires to achieve self-sufficiency in the sustainable production and supply of quality fish and fishery products for domestic and export markets through its fishing entities - TAFICO. New government policies are in place to expand fishing activities beyond the Territorial Waters (TW) and into tuna fisheries in Tanzania’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The efforts to revive the operations of TAFICO providing them with fishing tools and changing operations procedures are underway to ensure that both TAFICO and ZAFICO operate fishing and fish marketing operations in a financially viable and environmentally sustainable manner using Private Public Partnerships model.

Longline fishing vessel operations is a new facility to be operated by TAFICO, this entails that, private entity with right and relevant technology, skills and experience would play important role in implementing the fishing operation project. It is hereby inviting a competent and experienced private partner with financial sound for enhancing land-based infrastructures, avail technical skills and experiences on the operations of the longline fishing vessels, processing and marketing of the fish products. Roles of the private partner in this model should include:

i. Provide technology and skills to support management and operations of both longline fishing vessels and fish processing plants.

ii. Provide market linkage to TAFICO with fish buyers from the international markets