Bw. David Ernest Mulishi

Mr. David Ernest Mulishi is a holder of Master of Science in Information Technology with Electronic Business (MSc e-Business) from the University of Greenwich London, he also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Scientific Computing (PGDSC) from the University of Dar es salaam and Advanced Diploma in Computer Science from the Institute of Finance Management (IFM).
Mr. Mulishi has over 22 years’ experience in ICT and working in Public Institutions, he was initially employed as a Computer System Analyst by Tanzania Institute of Education in May, 2000 where he served for five years (2000-2004).
From 2005 up to 2010 served the Ministry of Finance and Planning as a Senior Computer System Analyst, and in the same year 2010 he was promoted to the level of Principle ICT Officer.
Due to his ability, he was promoted in November, 2014 and transferred to Planning Commission of Tanzania (PCT) to serve as Head of ICT Unit where he served for Four Years. In May 2018, he was transferred back to the Ministry of Finance and Planning after the Institute (PCT) was merged with the Ministry of Finance and Planning to form a National Planning Division (NPD). In June, 2018 to January, 2023 he served as a Principal ICT Officer at the Ministry of Finance and Planning.
With effective from 1st February, 2023 Mr. Mulishi was seconded to Tax Ombudsman Service Tanzania (TOST) to be Head of Information and Communication Technology Unit, the office which he is still serving to-date.
His professionalism and experiences provide valuable contributions to the Tax Ombudsman Service Office and the nation as a whole.