Bw. Godwin J. Barongo

Mr. Godwin John Barongo has over 24 years’ extensive experience in tax administration previously working with Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA). He was employed as Assistant Finance Management Officer in 1998 under Domestic Revenue Department(DRD). He was later transferred to Large Taxpayer Department (LTD) working as Tax Auditor in various sectors. In the due course, he was promoted up to the level of Senior Finance Management Officer (SFMO) which was later titled as Senior Tax Management Officer (STMO). As tax auditor he specialized/concentrated in auditing of complex sectors like telecommunication, Tourism, Banking and Insurance. He has also been involved in tax dispute/objection settlements. Due to his ability, he was promoted and became Assistant Manager in tax audit section under Large Taxpayers Department (LTD).
Under the department of Large Taxpayers, he was further appointed as Manager Returns and Data Processing/Principal Tax Management Officer(PTMO). After working successfully under that department, he was transferred to Domestic Revenue Department (DRD) as Regional Manager in Coast and Morogoro regions while he had a managerial role in those regions. In February, 2023 was appointed by Ministry of Finance and Planning to work under the office of Tax Ombudsman.
Mr. Godwin is currently working as Acting Manager Corporate Affairs in Head Office of the Tax Ombudsman - Dodoma. He is well versed with all aspects of general management, Financial Management, Tax Administration and Foreign Relations.
Mr. Godwin’s academic background includes the following; Masters of Business Administration (University of Central England in Birmingham – UK), Postgraduate of Business Administration (University of Central England in Birmingham – UK), Post-graduate in Foreign Relations (Institute of Foreign Relations - CFR, Kurasini, Dar es salaam), Advanced Diploma in Accountancy (Nyegezi Social Training Institute- NSTI), Certificate of Business Administration (University of Central England in Birmingham – UK