Dkt Angello Joseph Mwilawa

Dkt Angello Joseph Mwilawa
Mjumbe wa Bodi
Barua pepe:
Simu: +255-787892240
A: Personal Names and Contacts
Family name: MWILAWA ; First names: Angello Joseph
Date of Birth: 31st -03- 1965; Born –Makalala mission; District-Mufindi; Nationality: Tanzanian
Employee: Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Designation at Work: Principal Livestock Research Officer I Current Office Post: Director for Research Training and Extension (DRTE -L) Current address: MLF, Govt., City, Mtumba P. O. Box 2870, 40487 DODOMA. Telephone and Email: off-255 -737- 1959172320-853 ; Mob (res): +255-787/54-892240; and/OR
B: Academic Qualifications: i. PhD –Agriculture = Sokoine University of Agriculture , Morogoro, Tanzania (2006 - 2011): ii. Postgraduate Diploma = International Centre for Research in Agriculture - Netherlands (2002) iii. MSc. Range Management = University of Nairobi, Kenya (1994-1996) iv. BSc in Agriculture (Animal Sci. & Prod) = Sokoine University of Agriculture , Morogoro, Tanzania (1988 – 1990) v. National Service–JKT Mafinga/Mbweni - Cert. of Attendance – Operation Nidhamu (June1986-1987) vi. Kamanda wa Chipukizi –CCM (1978-1979) – Commander Parade Leaders P/School at District Level –Mufindi. vii.Pugu high School (Saint Francis) - Advance certificate of Secondary Education (1984 - 1986) viii. Njombe Secondary School, Certificate of Secondary School Education (1980 - 1983) ix. Makalala Primary School (Mission), Certificate of Primary Education (1973 - 1979)
D1- Completed Collaborative Project as Country PI: (i) Pastoral Ecosystems Integrity - Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS) for Eastern Africa. GL-CRSP Lead By Texas A and M. USAID support (ii) Ecological Rangelands Monitoring in Pastoral Areas: Integrated Modelling Assessment System (IMAS) for Eastern Africa – Lead by Colorado State University = Natural Ecology Resource Laboratory (NERL). USAID support (iii)“ASARECA Project” Harnessing crop-livestock integration to enhance food security and livelihoods resilience to effects of climate variability and climate change in Eastern and Central Africa (LFP PRJ 12)” . ASARECA support (iv)“ASARECA Project” Up-scaling Feed Packaging and Conservation Innovations for Drought Management in Pastoral Systems of Eastern and Central Africa (LFP PRJ 14. ASARECA support (v) Characterization of Tanzania Zebu Cattle for Tolerance to Ticks and East Coast Fever P a g e | 2 – EPINAV –SUA (vi)Developing and promoting a stratified model to transform traditional beef cattle production into a commercial oriented beef cattle industry in Tanzania -– COSTECH support (vii) Invasive Plant Species Threat To Livestock Production in the Lake and North Eastern Zones of Tanzania –COSTECH support
D2- Country PI Funded Proposal 2015-2017 –EMBRAPA Project/CIAT – (viii) Enhancing farm productivity, climate change resilience and environmental sustainability through adaptation of improved forages in east and southern Africa – EMBRAPA Support
D3- Country PI Funded Proposal 2015-2017 –ILRI/TALIRI Started July, 2015 (ix)Innovation Laboratory for Small Scale Irrigation (ILSSI) in Tanzania: For Irrigated forages in Kilosa, Mvomero and Babati District –ILRI Support D$- On Going Funded Project: (x) Climate Smart Dairy Systems - In East Africa through improved forages and feeding strategies: Enhancing productivity and adaptive capacity while mitigating GHG emissions –Project is Lead by CIAT Nairobi = IFAD SUPPORT D5- Beca ILRI FELLOWSHIPS awards (xi) Facilitation and Supervision for TALIRI Researchers to ACCESS Beca ILRI Fellowships: namely: Salumu Kuwi (TALIRI Kongwa); Walter Mangesho (TALIRI Tanga); Patrick Rukiko (TALIRI Mabuki); Greyson Mutabazi (TALIRI Uyole) and Emil JUmanne (TALIRI Mpwapwa)
E: (1)Research and Development Interaction (International): - The following institutions l have interacted in brief occasions: African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), Tanzania; World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) Tanzania; Drought Preparedness and Disaster Management in northern Kenya (DPDM); The Department of Resource Management and Remote Sensing (DRMRS), Kenya; Pastoral Risk and Management (PARIMA); and International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) Kenya; International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) - Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) partnership.
E: (2) Working with CBOs and Development partners –(Local): Other local Institutions l have worked with and/interacted with direct interest to Pastoral Rangelands Resource Use and management are: Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA); Institute of Resource Assessment, (IRA) & Zoology Depart both of University of Dar es Salaam; University College of Lands and Aerospace studies (UCLAS) Lands and Ereto Project and Maa Inyuaat all are Maasai Projects working in Pastoral areas; Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) and Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) – on Livestock-wildlife interaction; Rufiji Environmental Project (REMP) & Rufiji District council -immigrating pastoralists and agropastoralists; Kilosa District Council – immigrated pastoral villages and land use and conflict resolution; District Agricultural Office in Mbarali District –Usangu plains; VETAGRO on Impact assessment of ECF immunization in pastoral areas of Simanjiro and Monduli; HAKIARDHI - issues on Land ownership P a g e | 3
F: MAIN Courses Attended: i. GAS METHANE MEASUREMENT - Workshop on Techniques for the measuring methane as emitted by ruminant livestock. Held at Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystywth University, United Kingdom 9 -12 May 2016. Organized by IBERS and sponsored by BBSRC Newton Fund Project. ii. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS training 22-26th April 2013 held in Kampala, Uganda – Organized by ASARECA iii. AIS & VCA -Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) and Value Chain Analysis - Training workshop on 11-15th February 2013 - Organized by ASARECA iv. IMPACT ASSESSMENT – Course 21-26th July 2012: Training of trainers M&E workshop on impact assessment, data quality assessment, planning & reporting and updating of project PMP by ASARECA in Nairobi, Kenya - Organized by ASARECA v. NATURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT – Course 8th March – 28th April 2000: Application of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing in Natural Resource Management, conducted by EISCAP Project at UCLAS, Dar es Salaam. Supervised by Dr. E.G. Mtalo (UCLAS) and Dr Tom Loran (ITC) vi. MANAGEMENT OF RANGELANDS – Course 3rd – 28th July 2000: Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing in Rangelands Management, conducted by EISCAP Project at UCLAS, Dar es Salaam. Supervised by Dr. A.G. Toxopeus of ITC -Enschede, The Netherlands. vii. APPLICATION OF GIS - Course: 12th - 24th April, 1999. Organized by Global Livestock CRSP through Integrated Modelling Assessment Systems (IMAS) held at ILRI, Nairobi. Supervised by Dr. Robin Reid. viii. MODELING TRAINING: 10th Aug., - 10th Sept., 1999: Use of the following Models PHYGROW, NUTBALL PRO, ACT, EPIC and other supporting Utilities. Aims to monitoring of Grazing Livestock Nutrition. Organised by GL-CRSP with LEWS Project, conducted at Texas A & M University. Supervised by Prof. Jerry W. Stuth. ix. SAVANNA ECOSYSTEM MODELING SYSTEM: 12th Sept., - 1st Oct., 1999: Use of the Model in Natural Resource Assessment (Human-Vegetation-LivestockWildlife Integration). Organised by GL-CRSP with IMAS Project, conducted at Colorado State University. Supervised by Drs Michael B. Coughenour x. Impact Assessment on Research Methodologies - February 24 - March 7, 1997. Organised by SACCAR in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe. Supervisor Dr. Anandajasekaram Poniah xi. Impact Assessment on Research Methodologies - January 19 - 25, 1997. Organized by Faculty of Agriculture, SUA, Morogoro. Supervisor Dr. Anandajasekaram Poniah xii. Range Field Monitoring/Evaluation & Livestock conditioning - 25th Feb to 1st March, 1999 at Mbarara, Uganda. Sponsored by Global Livestock -CRSP through Livestock Early Warning Systems (LEWS) Project. Supervised by Abdi Jama xiii. Rangelands Evaluation and Monitoring Northern Kenya - August,1994, Organized by PINEP/ SAREC, University of Nairobi & GTZ/Range Management DivisionMOA, Kenya. Dr. D. Herlocker xiv. FEED EVALUATION AND FEEDING OF RUMINANTS (February – march 2007). Conducted at Department of Health, Welfare and Nutrition Faculty of P a g e | 4 Agricultural Sciences, University of Arrhus, Denmark. Supervised by Prof Torben Hveplund and Dr Martin Weisbjerg xv. LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT SKILLS ESAMI: March/April 2003.
LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT SKILLS training course conducted at Eastern and Southern African. xvi. Gender sensitive participatory approaches to research and extension on Local Knowledge in Agro-biodiversity management for food security. FAO LinKS 12th - 24th July 2004: Coordinated by Dr Das –National Coordinator FAO-LinKs Tanzania and F. Misanna –Facilitator xvii. Farming Systems Approach: National Farming Systems Approach course for Researchers held in Morogoro, Phase I (12-28 May, 1999) and Moshi, Phase II (21st February – 3rd March 2000). Organized by Directorate of Research and Development. Supervised by T.N. Kirway and Dr Bart de Steenhuijsen Piters xviii. Participatory Research Methodologies (PRA) on Agricultural Development and Dissemination – Sept. 15 – 26, 1998. Organized by FARMESA Held at MARTI - Uyole, Mbeya, Tanzania. Supervisor Dr. Anandajasekaram Peniah. xix. Research Methodologies (PRA) - 20-24 Octo. 1997 Held at Silver sands Dar es Salaam, Organized by REPOA. Supervised By Dr. J.J. Semboja Ixx. Project /Research Proposal Write ups – 27th April –3rd May, 2005 Organized by International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi KENYA, held at Hilton Hotel, Kenya and 12th-19th June 2003 Organized by International Foundation for Science (IFS) held at Oasis Hotel Morogoro, Tanzania. G: Main consultant conducted - Mwilawa A.J. 2005: Pasture and Crop Field Handbook for Tanzania. Commissioned by Smallholder Dairy Support Program. Edited By David Wendover and Noah Maiseli. Printed December, 2005 - A.J. And Goromela, E.H. 2004. P
roject BASELINE Survey of 29 villages in Iramba District for Community Development Project (Kinampanda and Kinyangiri CDP); Client: World Vision Tanzania - Mwilawa A.J. 2003. Rangelands Assessment for Livestock Development Strategy in Rufiji District. Commissioned by Rufiji Environmental Project (REMP), Utete; IUCN. - Lynen, L., Beppe G And Mwilawa, A.J. 2003. Ecological Impact study on ECF Immunisation among Smallholder Dairy in Handeni and Pastoral communities in Monduli, Districts. Client International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi. - A.J. ; Maskini, M., Ole-lengisugi, N; R. Emanuel and R. Hogan ., 1997. Participatory RANGELANDs Study of Kilosa District – Submitted on 22 September to Kilosa District Council / Irish Aid - Mwilawa A.J. And Kalobe B, 2001. Mvumi Rural Training Centre. Project Evaluation Report for Diocese of Central Tanganyika and Inter Christian Church Organization, Submitted to Head Office, (DCT) Dodoma, Tanzania. December - Mwilawa A.J. And Goromela, E.H. 2001. Projects Evaluation Report of Mpwapwa Area Development Programme. Report submitted to World Vision Tanzania. February. H: Specific Computer Skills - Database Management Software: MS Access 2003 (40%) - Statistical Package: SAS 9.2 (60%), SPSS (40%), P a g e | 5 - Biophysical Modelling: PHYGROW, ACT, NUTBALL PRO, SAVANNA model - Application of Basic GIS softwares and GPS Equipment’s (GPS Garmin (70%)) - Application of ARC VIEW software (40%), Map source (50%); J:
(i) Mwilawa, A. J., Nzogela, B., Kizima, J., Bwire, J. Mwendia, S. (2019). Pasture development, Management and Utilization in mixed crop farming in Tanzania. In Proceedings of the 42nd Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 23rd to 25th October, 2019 at St. Gaspar Conference Centre, Dodoma, Tanzania
(ii) David Maleko, George Msalya, Angello Mwilawa, Liliane Pasape & Kelvin Mtei (2018) Smallholder dairy cattle feeding technologies and practices in Tanzania: Failures, successes, challenges and prospects for sustainability. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 16(2): 201-213
(iii)David Maleko, Wai-Tim Ng, George Msalya, Angello Mwilawa, Liliane Pasape & Kelvin Mtei (2018) Seasonal variations in the availability of fodder resources and practices of dairy cattle feeding among the smallholder farmers in Western Usambara Highlands, Tanzania. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 50(7): 1653-1664
(iv)David Maleko, Angello Mwilawa, George Msalya, Liliane Pasape and Kelvin Mtei (2019). Forage Growth, Yield and Nutritional Characteristics of Four Varieties of Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach) in the West Usambara Highlands, Tanzania. Scientific African 6(2019);
(v) David Maleko, George Msalya, Angello Mwilawa, Liliane Pasape & Kelvin Mtei (Submitted Manuscript). Effects of Dry Season Supplementation of Calliandra calothyrsus Leaf-meal mixed with Maize-bran on Dairy Cattle Milk Productivity in the West Usambara Highlands, Tanzania. <>. Manuscript no HELIYON-D-19-00276
(vi) Maleko, D. Msalya G, Mwilawa A, Pasape L, Mtei K. (2016). Overview of feed resources condition and feeding practices among the smallholder dairy farmers in Tanzania. RUFORUM/FAO. Available at
(vii) Maleko, D. Msalya G, Mwilawa A, Pasape L, Mtei K. (2016) Overview of feed resources condition and feeding practices among the smallholder dairy farmers in Tanzania. RUFORUM 5th Biannual Conference, 17-21 October 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.
(viii) Kuwi, S., Kyalo, M, Mutai, C., Mwilawa, A., Hanson, J., Djikeng, A., Ghimire, S., (2017). Genetic diversity and population structure of Brachiaria grass accessions from Tanzania using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers". Brazilian Journal of Botany Submission ID: BRJB-D-16-00278 In Press
(ix)Laisser, E.L.K., S.W. Chenyambuga, E.D. Karimuribo, G. Msalya, M.J. Kipanyula, P a g e | 6 A.J. Mwilawa, R.H. Mdegela, L.J.M. Kusiluka, (2017). A Review on prevalence, control measure and tolerance of Tanzania Shorthorn Zebu cattle to East Coast fever in Tanzania. Tropical Animal Health and Production In Press
(x) Mwilawa, A.J., Mtengeti, E.2, Shirima, E.M,3, Mollel, N. 4, Gongwe, A5. Rutonesha, V2 and Kagize, T. 2016. Acceptability of Siam Weed together with selected common shrubs/tree leaves by indigenous goats in Serengeti District. In Proceedings of the 36th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 26th to 28th October, 2016 at OlaSiti Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xi) Mwilawa, A.J. 2016. A review of forage/ pastures research and development in Tanzania. Country Paper on A brief Review of Pastures and Forages research and development activities in Tanzania submitted to Beca-ILRI for discussion during forage meeting at ILRI Nairobi on 26th- 29th May, 2015.
(xii) Mwilawa, A.J. 2015. Options and future of smallholder production system in Africa. In Press KEY NOTE paper. The paper presented at the 6th All Africa conference on Animal Agriculture is to be published the next issue of the East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal-EAAFJ .
(xiii) Nsiima, M.P.L., Shirima, E.J.M., Mwilawa, A.J.M., Shengoto, R., Muro, H.S., Masakia, B. J. and Bikuba, S.L. 2015. Reality in live animal and carcass characteristics of indigenous cattle slaughtered in six abattoirs in Tanzania. Journal of Animal Production Advances Manuscript Number: JAPA-2015-01-01).
(xiv) Emmanuel L Laisser, George Msalya, Robinson H Mdegela, Esron D Karimuribo, Angello J Mwilawa, Lughano J Kusiluka, Sebastian W Chenyambuga, 2015. Microscopic and Submicroscopic Detection of Theileria parva Infection in Clinically Healthy Tanzania Shorn Horn Zebu Cattle. Tropical Animal Health and Production
(xv) Mwilawa, A.J., Lukuyu, B., Kitalyi, A.J. and Maass, B.L. 2014. Business solutions of year-round availability of quality feed for dairy in Tanzania. KEY NOTE paper Presented during the 4th DDF-Meeting, Dar es Salaam, 6-7 Oct. 2014. In Proceedings.
(xvi) E.L.K. Laisser, M.J. Kipanyula, G. Msalya, R.H. Mdegela, E.D. Karimuribo, A.J. Mwilawa, E.D. Mwega, L.J.M. Kusiluka, and S.W. Chenyambuga, 2014. Tick burden and prevalence of Theileria parva infection in Tarime Zebu cattle in the Lake Zone of Tanzania. Tropical Animal Health and Production. No. TROP- D-14-00207R2,
(xvii) D M G Njarui, J K Itabari, J M Kabirizi and A J Mwilawa, 2014. Water sources and quality for dairy cattle in smallholder farms in semi-arid Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 26 (8) 2014
(xviii) Kabirizi, J. M. Mugerwa, S.;. Ndikumana, J.;Njarui, DMO.;Kaganda, S.; Mwilawa,A.J.;Minani, E.;Nijimbere, N.; Wanyama, J.; Zziwa, E.;. Nanyeenya, W,;. Itabari. J. 2014. climate change technologies for improved livelihoods of smallholder crop-livestock farmers in Eastern and Central Africa. Resources and Environment 2014, 4(1): 54-57 DOI: 10.5923/ P a g e | 7
(xix) Mwilawa, A.J., Teklehaimanot H.S., Kabirizi J., Ngendello A.M., Mugerwa S., Zziwa E., Ndikumana J. and Rukiko P. 2013. Silage making techniques for smallholder dairy farmers: experiences and challenges. Paper presented at the ASARECA LFP end of Program Conference at Peacock hotel Dares salaam, Tanzania on 26- 29 November, 2013.
(xx) Ngendello A.M., Mwilawa A.J., Chang’a E.P., Kuzenza M., Shemahonge S., Zziwa E. and Ndikumana J.2013: Participatory evaluation of home made rations for lactating cows: technical and economic implications. Paper presented at the ASARECA LFP end of Program Conference at Peacock hotel Dares salaam, Tanzania on 26-29 November 2013: Scientific AWARD
(xxi) Mwilawa, A.J., Mahonge, C., Ngendello, A. and Mtambuki. 2013. Policy review on pastoral and drought management. In Proceedings of the 36th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 24th to 27th October, 2013 at OlaSiti Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xxii) Chasama, G., Tungu, G., Sonda, G , Nkuna, S., Ngendello, A.M. and Mwilawa, A.J., 2014. Introduction of Draught Animal Drawn Implements Technologies for Farming in Ukerewe. In proceeding of the ZARDEF workshop Held in Morogoro on 5th – 9th May, 2014.
(xxiii) Said, R., Tungu, G.B., Kaganda,S.R., Mikomangwa, Z.S., Ngendello A.M., Mwilawa, A.J., and Mang’enya, J.J., 2014. Improvement of indigenous cattle through breeding and improved husbandry practices in Pandagichiza and Nyamp’hande villages under farmers’ condition. In proceeding of the ZARDEF workshop Held in Morogoro on 5th – 9th May 2014
(xxiv) Tungu, G.; Chasama, G., Said, R., Mikomangwa, Z.,Sonda, G., Ngendello, and Mwilawa, A.J. 2013 . Improvement of Local Goats Productivity Through Crossbreeding And Management In Maswa District. In proceeding of the ZARDEF workshop Held in Morogoro on 5th – 9th May,2014
(xxv) Tungu, G.; Chasama, G., Sonda, G. Lema, E. Mchomvu, B. and Mwilawa, A.J ., 2013. Training Strategies for a Commercially Viable Hides and Skins Value Chain in Maswa, Tanzania. In proceeding of the ZARDEF workshop Held in Morogoro on 5th – 9th May. 2014
(xxvi) E L K Laisser, S W Chenyambuga, G Msalya, M J Kipanyula, R H Mdegela, E D Karimuribo, A J Mwilawa and L J M Kusiluka. Knowledge and perception on ticks, tick-borne diseases and indigenous cattle tolerance to East Coast fever in agro-pastoral communities of Lake Zone in Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2013, Volume 25, Number 4
(xxvii) Laisser E L K, Kipanyula M J, Msalya G, Mwega E D, Mdegela R H, Karimuribo E D, Kusiluka L, Mwilawa A J and Chenyambuga S W 2014: Tick burden and prevalence of Theileria parva infection in Tarime zebu cattle in the lake zone of P a g e | 8 Tanzania. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46 (8): 1397-1406.
(xxviii)Mwilawa, A.J., Kaganda, S., Sendallo, D., Njarui, D., Ndikumana J., Ngota, V. and Ngoda, P. Forage seed situation and future prospect in Tanzania. In Press-In Proceedings of the 35th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 23th to 26th October, 2012 at OlaSiti Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xxix) Ngendello, A., Chang’a, E., Shemahonge S. and MWILAWA, A.J.,. (2012). Participatory evaluation of home made rations in lactating cows: Economic implications. In Press-In Proceedings of the 35th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 23th to 26th October, 2012 at OlaSiti Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xxx) Shija, D.S., Mtenga, L. A.. Mushi, D. E., Kimambo, A. E., Laswai, G. H., Mgheni,D.M., Mwilawa, A.J., Safari, J. G., and Shirima, E. J. M. (2011). Slaughter characteristics and carcass composition of indigenous goats and sheep from traditional production system in Tanzania. In Press-In Proceedings of the 34th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 25th to 27th October, 2011 at OlaSiti Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xxxi) Shija, D.S., Mtenga, L. A.. Mushi, D. E., Kimambo, A. E., Laswai, G. H., Mgheni,D.M., Mwilawa, A.J., Safari, J. G., and Shirima, E. J. M. (2011). Chemical composition and meat quality attributes of indigenous goats and sheep from traditional production system in Tanzania. In Press-In Proceedings of the 34th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Scientific Conference held on 25th to 27th October, 2011 at OlaSiti Garden, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xxxii) Mwilawa, A.J., Kimambo, A.E., Mtenga, L.A., Madsen, J., Hvelplund, T., Weisbjerg, M.R., Christensen, M., Laswai, G.H., and Mgheni, D.M. (2010). Growth performance and the economy of producing quality beef in Tanzania. Paper presented during the 5th All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture held on, 25 - 28th October, 2010 at United Nation Conference Centre, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
(xxxiii)Mwilawa, A.J., Kimambo, A.E., Mtenga, L.A., Madsen, J., Hvelplund, T., Weisbjerg, M.R., Christensen, M., Laswai, G.H., and Mgheni, D.M. (2010). Carcass and meat quality characteristics of indigenous cattle in Tanzania. Paper presented during the 5th Research week and International Conference held on, –22nd – 24th September, 2010 at Egerton University, Kenya .
(xxxiv)Mwilawa, A.J., Kimambo, A.E., Mtenga L.A., Madsen, J., Hvelplund, T., Weisbjerg, M., Laswai, G., Mgheni, D.M., Christensen, M and Chenyambuga S. 2009. Effects of breed and diet on growth and killing out characteristics of steers. In proceedings of the 33rd TSAP International Conference held on, 24 - 25th Sept , 2009 at the Bank of Tanzania Mwanza , Tanzania.
(xxxv) MWILAWA, A.J, M. Christensen, A.E. Kimambo, L.A. Mtenga, J. Madsen, T. P a g e | 9 Hvelplund, M.R. Weisbjerg, G.H. Laswai and D.M. Mgheni, 2009. Quality Of Meat From Steers Of Two Breeds Finished On Different Diets. Paper presented during the 33rd TSAP International Conference held on, 24 - 25th Sept , 2009 at the Bank of Tanzania Mwanza , Tanzania.
(xxxvi)MWILAWA, A.J; Komwihangilo, D.M, And Kusekwa, M.L. 2008. Conservation of forage Resources for increasing livestock production in Traditional forage reserves in Tanzania. Journal compilation@ 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, African Journal of Ecology 46 (Suppl. 1), 85 – 89
(xxxvii) MWILAWA, A.J. , Kimambo, A.E. , Mtenga, L.A., Madsen, J., Hvelplund, T., Weisbjerg, M.R., Laswai, G. H., Mgheni, D.M. Christensen, M. and S. W. Chenyambuga, 2008. Effect of breed and diet on growth and killingout characteristics of beef cattle. In Proceedings of the 42nd South African Society for Animal Science Congress and 5th All-African Conference on Animal Production, 23rd – 28th November 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa.
(xxxviii) Madsen, J., Christensen, M.1, Hindrichsen, I.K.1 , Larsen, C.E.S. 1, Hvelplund, T.2, Weisbjerg, M.R.2, Kimambo, A.E. 3, Mtenga, L.A.3, Laswai, G. H.3, Mgheni, D.M.3, MWILAWA, A.J.3, Mutetikka, D.B.4, and Mpairwe, D. 2008. Cooperation between universities and with farmers to accelerate development. In Proceedings of the 42nd South African Society for Animal Science Congress and 5th All-African Conference on Animal Production, 23rd – 28th November 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa.
(xxxix)Mapunda, F. M1., L. A. Mtenga2, G. C. Ashimogo1, A. E. Kimambo2, G.H., Laswai2, Mgheni2, D.M and A.J. Mwilawa 2008. A case study on the existing and potential market opportunities for quality beef in Tanzania. In Proceedings of the 42nd South African Society for Animal Science Congress and 5th All-African Conference on Animal Production, 23rd – 28th November 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa.
(xl)Mwilawa, A.J., Kimambo, A.E. , Mtenga L.A., Madsen, J., Hvelplund, T, Weisbjerg M, Laswai, G., Mgheni, D.M1. and M. Christensen 2007. Production of quality beef in Tanzania: fattening trial at Kongwa ranch – on going. In Proceedings of the 2nd TSAP/TVA joint International Conference held on, 29th Nov to 1st December , 2007 at AICC Arusha, Tanzania.
(xli) Weisbjerg, M.R1., Hvelplund, T1. & Madsen, J2., Mtenga, L3.and MWILAWA, A.J. (2007). Evaluation and combination of feeds for improved beef production. Production of quality beef in Tanzania: fattening trial at Kongwa ranch – on going. In Proceedings of the 2nd TSAP/TVA joint International Conference held on, 29th Nov to 1st December, 2007 at AICC Arusha, Tanzania.
(xlii) Mwilawa, A.J; Chenyambuga, And C.R. Ulime, 2006. Forage diversity and their potential in the traditional reserve grazing lands in Meatu district, Tanzania. In Proceedings of the Regional workshop on Drylands Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Natural Resource Management (SNRM) at Impala P a g e | 10 Hotel, Tanzania, 6th – 10th June.
(xliii) Komwihangilo, D.M. and A.J Mwilawa, 2006. Utilization of exogenous and indigenous forage trees and shrubs in Livestock production systems of Semi-Arid areas of Central Tanzania. In Proceedings of the Regional workshop on Drylands Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Natural Resource Management (SNRM) at Impala Hotel, Tanzania, 6th – 10th June.
(xliv) Mwilawa, A. J., 2006. Challenges in response to environmental changes and their vulnerability among pastoralist of Tanzania. In proceedings of the first COSTECH scientific and technology Conference Science and Technology for Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania, held at Golden Tulip Hotel, 24th – 26th May 2006.
(xlv) Mwilawa A.J., 2005: Pasture and Crop Field Handbook for Tanzania. A field Handbook Edited By David Wendover and Noah Maiseli. Printed December 2005.
(xlvi) Lynen G., Giulio, G., Homewood, K , Reid, R and Mwilawa A.J. 2005. Deployment of a live ECF vaccine in Pastoral areas: Lessons learned from Tanzania. Paper presented at the International Conference on All African Animal Production, 20 –24 September 2005, Arusha, Tanzania.
(xlvii) Mwilawa A.J., 2004. Ecological Impact and Politics on Pastoral sedentarization: A case of Central and central-eastern Tanzania. A Paper presented during a symposium on Trees, Rain and Climate at Oxford University on 30th Sept – 1st Oct. 2004. Can access on Website Oxford Department of Geography.
(xlviii) Bwire, J.M.N., H. Wiktorsson and A.J. MWILAWA, 2003. A feeding strategy of combining tropical grass species for stall-fed dairy cows. Journal of Tropical Grasslands Volume 37, 94-100.
(xlix) Mwilawa, A.J. and Goromela, E.H. 2003. Integration of Traditional Resource Management and the use of advanced technology in monitoring and dissemination of information for forage and animal condition in central Tanzania. Proceedings of the Regional workshop on sustainable Biodiversity Management for reduced Community Vulnerability to drought at Lake Bogoria Hotel, Kenya, 1st – 4th October.
(l) Mwilawa, A.J., Goromela, E.H., Stuth, J.W., Kaitho, R., Kidunda R.S. and Jama, A. 2002. Livestock Early Warning SYSTEM (LEWS): Experience gained in central Tanzania on monitoring livestock Forage condition. Paper presented during the joint TVA/TSAP Conference held at Arusha International Conference Center (AICC) as from 3rd to 5th December 2002, in Arusha.
(li) MWILAWA, A.J., 2000. Resource Use and Management in Communal Grasslands by Pastoralists of Tanzania. Journal of Soc. Sci. Vol. 4. Number 1. 65-70 (lii)MWILAWA, A.J., Runyoro, V. and Moehlman, P. 2000. Forage Range survey and Livestock Monitoring in Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. Scientific P a g e | 11 Report submitted to NCAA 2000.
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(lv)Stuth, J., Kaitho, R., Angerer, J., Jama, A., Mnene, W., MWILAWA, A., Kingamkono, M., Ndung’u J., Sawe, J., Byenkya, S., Muthiani, E., Goromela, E., Heath, C., Zander, K. and J. Bucher 2003. Integrating Information and Communication Technology for Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS) in East Africa. Research Brief 03-01- LEWS Global Livestock CRSP . Web
(lvi) Kaitho, R., Stuth, J., Angerer, J., Jama, A., Mnene, W., MWILAWA, A., Kingamkono, M., Ndung’u J., Sawe, J., Byenkya, S., Muthiani, E, and E. Goromela 2003. A new System to Forecast Near- Term Forage Conditions for Early Warning System in Pastoral Regions of East Africa. Research Brief 03-02-LEWS Global Livestock CRSP . Web
(lvii) Jama, A., Kingamkono, M., Mnene, W., Ndung’u J., MWILAWA, A., Sawe, J., Byenkya, S., Muthiani, E., Goromela, E., Kaitho, R., Stuth, J., and J. Angerer 2003. A satellite- Based Technology Predicts Forage Dynamics for Pastoralist. Research Brief 03-03-LEWS Global Livestock CRSP . Web (lviii) Ellis, J.; Lynn, S.;Mworia J.;Kinyamario,J.;Burnsilver.;Maskini, M; Kidunda, R.;Reid, R.;Rainy, M.; MWILAWA, A. and Runyoro V. 2001. Global Livestock CRSP, IMAS Report. In Final Report submitted to GL-CRSP edited by Boone R.B. and Coughenour M. pp 23-48
(lix) Goromela, E., MWILAWA, A.J., and D.S.C. Sendallo 2001. Overview of Pastoral Production System in Tanzania and Possible relevance of the PARIMA Project. Summary of Proceedings Second Biennial Research and Outreach Workshop for Kenya and Ethiopia “Improving Pastoral Risks Management (PARIMA)” on East African Rangelands”. Held June 24th to July 3rd, 2001 at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. Edited By Coppock D.L. Utah State University pp 74-79
(lx)MWILAWA, A.J., Kidunda, R.S. and Kusekwa, M.L., 1998. The role of Traditional rangelands resource Utilization: Experience gained among pastoralists of Tanzania. J. Soc. Sci. 2(1): 53-57.
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Mwilawa, A.J. 1990. Evaluation of Dairy goat feeding in Upper Mgeta under SUA Dairy goat Extension project: A special Project submitted to the department of Animal Science Production in partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Supervised By Dr Annamarie Madsen. Certificate: The undersigned certify, on the basis of data, that the information above truthfully gives a description of my employment, qualifications and experience. Signature: Date: 01 May 2021