Dkt Furaha Philemon Mrosso

Dkt Furaha Philemon Mrosso
Mjumbe wa Bodi
Barua pepe:
Simu: +255 754 365 725
Biography of Dr Furaha Philemon Mrosso
Furaha Philemon Mrosso is a distinguished Cotton Research Scientis and Entomologist. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Entomology (2009 – 2014), MSc Crop Protection (2001- 2003) and a Bachelor of Science in Crop Soil Science (CROSO). He is currently a Manager for Crop Research and Post harvest Management at Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) since December, 2020. Before being promoted to tghe current position, he was a National Cotton Research Coordinator stationed at TARI Ukiriguru. Also he worked as Zonal Research Coordinator (Eastern zone) Ilonga Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture (2016 -2018) an as a Head of Crop research Programme (HOP Crop) eastern Zone, Ilonga Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture (2012-2016). He attended several courses like: Course on Integrated Pest Management(Wageningen, Netherlands 1996);Course on screening for host plant resistance to insect pests in sorghum (ICRISAT, India 1995); A regional maize stalk borer training course for eastern and southern Africa (ICIPE, Kenya1995). He is a member of Tanzania Entomological Association (TEA) and Southern Eastern Africa Cotton Forum (SEACF).
Dr Mrosso had published over 10 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and presented many academic Tanzania Entomological Association (TEA); Southern Eastern Africa Cotton Forum (SEACF)Tanzania Entomological Association (TEA); Southern Eastern Africa Cotton Forum (SEACF) professional papers in various conferences. He is a reviewer of Masters student dissertations with entomological aspects at Sokoine University of Agricutlture, Morogoro, Tanzania. Other recognizable works and distinguished award are; playing a big role in year 2017 in advising whether or not to allow cotton cultivation in Katavi region since it lies near the red bollworm quarantine zone. It was advised that the Katavi cotton production poses insignificant threat against the red bollworm invasion. This is because of wide natural barrier of Katavi National pack that would prevent the worm form south to north (free from the redworm). The past two seasons 2017/18 and 2018/18 Katavi had produced approximately 500 tonnes of seed cotton valued at 600 million Shillings which diffused in Katavi farmers currency circulation. The crop is expected to bring positive impact to the farmers livelihood, and in 2011, I was Honoured a Distinguished Agricultural Research award by the Minister for Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives. This was presented to me in recognition of my exceptional professional contribution and excellence in Agricultural Research and Development in Tanzania, August 8. 2011.
He is currently leading research activities concerning: Evaluation of new molecules of insecticides against sucking insect pests and Fall armyworm in Meatu, Kwimba, Misungwi and Maswa districts; Cotton insect pest monitoring in Tanzania; and Monitoring of the outbreak of cotton jassids in the Eastern zone. Also he was a principal investigator in several research projects inluding: Studies on natural enemies of Helicoverpaarmigera and Aphis gossypii on small holder cotton in eastern Tanzania with emphasis on predators;Use of neem seed extract and tephrosia leaf extract to reduce maize stalk borer infestations in Gairo and Mlali divisions in east – central region of Tanzania; Evaluation of new cotton insecticides against cotton insect pests in the Eastern Cotton Growing Area (ECGA) of Tanzania; Determination of insecticide residuals of cowpea in sprayed cowpea/cotton intercrop ;Evaluation of botanical insecticides on cotton insect pests in the eastern Cotton Growing Areas (ECGA); Establishment of yield losses caused by the red bollworm in Mbeya Region and Preparation of cotton extension materials.