Prof Joshua Joseph Malago

Curriculum Vitae
Joshua Joseph Malago
Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Pathology P.O. Box 3203, Morogoro, Tanzania Telephone: 0 (755/785/658) 385610 Email:;;
A highly motivated and enthusiastic Professor with an excellent academic performance, research conduct and administrative experience. Excellent participation to national and international university policy and decision making committees, boards and councils. Actively involved in promoting academic performance and careers to university, college and secondary school students. Capable of using own initiative and work as part of a team under pressure to meet challenging deadlines
. 2.1 Sex: Male 2.2 Date of birth 05 Sep 1969 2.3 Place of birth Ngudu, Kwimba, Mwanza, Tanzania 2.4 Marital status Married 2.5 Nationality Tanzanian
3.1 Mazengo Primary School, Dodoma, 1978-1980 3.2 Ngudulugulu Primary School, Ngudu, Kwimba, Mwanza, 1981-1984 3.3 Kilosa Secondary School, 1985-1988, Ordinary Level Secondary Education 3.4 Kibaha Secondary School, 1989-1991, Advanced Level Secondary Education 3.5 Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania, 1992-1997, BVM 3.6 Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1998-2000, MSc Animal Pathology 3.7 Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1999, Certificate Lab Animal Science 3.8 Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2001-2003, PhD Cellular Pathology 3.9 San Diego zoo, California, USA, 2010, Amphibian Diseases and Histopathology 3.10 Bronx zoo, New York, USA, 2010, Amphibian Histopathology
4.1 Overall best student, BVM first year, SUA, 1993 4.2 Best student in Animal Nutrition, SUA, 1994 4.3 Best student in Animal Physiology, SUA, 1994 4.4 Best student in Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology, SUA, 1994 4.5 Overall best student, BVM second year, SUA, 1994 4.6 Best student in Pathology, SUA, 1995 1.0 PROFILE 2.0 PERSONAL PARTICULARS 3.0 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 4.0 UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC AWARDS 2 4.7 Best student in Pharmacology and Toxicology, SUA, 1995 4.8 Best student in Animal Production, SUA, 1995 4.9 Overall best student, BVM third year, SUA, 1995 4.10 Best student in Theriogenology and Obstetrics, SUA, 1996 4.11 Overall best student, BVM fourth year, SUA, 1996 4.12 Overall best student, BVM fifth year, SUA, 1997 4.13 Overall best student, combined BVM 5 years, SUA, 1997
5.1 Assistant Lecturer, Sep 2000-Oct 2003 5.2 Lecturer, Oct 2003-Jun 2006 5.3 Senior Lecturer, Jul 2006-Jun 2011 5.4 Associate Professor, Jul 2011-Jun 2018 5.4.1 Professor, July 2018 to the present
6.1 Teaching Principles of Laboratory Animal Science course to National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) staff, 2006. 6.2 Internal Examiner at Tumaini University, KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, 2008. Courses examined: Histotechnology, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Laboratory Animal Science 6.3 Visiting Lecturer at Tumaini University, KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, 2005-2009. Courses taught: Histotechnology, Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics and General Pathology.
7.1 At University level 7.1.1 Council Member, University of Arusha, Tanzania; Jan 2011 to Dec 2015; reappointed Jan 2016 to the present 7.1.2 Council Member, University of East Africa Baraton, Eldoret, Kenya; Jan 2011 to Dec 2014 7.1.3 Chairperson, Search Committee, University of Arusha (Searching for VC, DVC Academics and DVC Planning and Administration); Mar 2015 to the present 7.1.4 Chairperson, Audit Review Committee, Responsible to Council, University of Arusha, Mar 2016 to 2018 7.1.5 Head, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Jul 2011 to 2017 7.1.6 Member, Academic Committee of the University Council, University of East Africa Baraton, Eldoret, Kenya; May 2011 to Dec 2014 7.1.7 Board Member, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Jul 2011 to Jul 2018
5.0 EMPLOYMENT RECORD AND WORK EXPERIENCE 6.0 EXTERNAL WORK EXPERIENCE 7.0 ADMINISTRATIVE, COUNCIL, BOARD AND COMMITTEE EXPERIENCE 3 7.1.8 Chairperson, University Charter Review Committee, Responsible to Council, University of Arusha, 2014 7.1.9 Board Member, Computer Centre, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Jul 2005 to Jun 2011 7.1.10 “Mfanyakazi Bora” RAAWU, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2013 7.2 At College and Secondary School levels 7.2.1 Board member, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANRE) (Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania); Jan 2012 to the present 7.2.2 Board chairperson, KingCollins Secondary School, Ifakara, Morogoro; Jan 2016 to the present 7.2.3 Board Member, Kitungwa Adventist Secondary School; 2013 to the present 7.3 In Veterinary Profession 7.3.1 Member to East African Community Negotiation Team for Veterinary Profession on Common Market Protocol; Apr 2013 to the present 7.3.2 Assistant Chairperson, East African Community Negotiation Team for Veterinary Profession on Common Market Protocol Apr 2013 – Oct 2014 7.3.3 Vice Chairperson, Tanzania Veterinary Association; Dec 2011 to Dec 2017 7.3.4 Chief Editor, Tanzania Veterinary Journal; Dec 2009 to Dec 2011 7.3.5 Assistant Editor, Tanzania Veterinary Journal; Dec 2006 to Nov 2009 7.3.6 Board Member, Netherlands Alumni Association of Tanzania; Apr 2014 to the present 7.3.7 Member, Pathology Club of Utrecht University, Aug 2000 to the present 7.3.8 President, Netherlands Alumni Association of Tanzania; Jan 2005 to 2014 7.4 In Religious Organizations 7.4.1 Board Member, East-Central Tanzania Conference of SDA Church: Construction Committee Apr 2015 to present 7.4.2 Chairperson, Mtwara Adventist Hospital Building Committee, Responsible to East-Central Tanzania Conference of SDA Church, Dec 2013 to Apr 2015 7.4.3 Executive Member, Eastern Tanzania Conference of SDA Church; Jan 2005 to Dec 2010
8.1 Improving Field Diagnostic Techniques for Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia: Principal Investigator 8.2 Reintroduction of Kihansi Spray Toads to their Natural Habitat: Principal Investigator on Amphibian Pathology 8.3 Protective Potency of Heat Shock Response to Ulcerative Colitis and Hepatotoxic Rat Models: Principal Investigator
9.1 Professorial Inaugural Lecture 8.0 MAJOR ONGOING RESEARCH 9.0 PUBLICATIONS 4
9.1.1 Professorial Inaugural Lecture on ”Heat Shock Mediated Immunoprotective Mechanisms of Gut Microbiota” was presented on 30th May 2019 at Sokoine University of Agriculture.
9.2 Selected Published Materials 9.2.1 Scholarly Books Malago JJ. 2010. Diarrhea: Overview. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-61728-830-2. Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Marinsek-Logar R. 2011. Probiotic Bacteria and Enteric Infections. Springer, Dordrecht, NL, ISBN: 978-94-007-0385-8, e-ISBN: 978-94-007-0386- 5 . Malago JJ. 2015. Contribution of Microbiota to the Innate and Acquired Gut Immunity during Health and Disease. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-63117-296-0. Malago JJ. 2019. Heat Shock Mediated Immunoprotective Mechanisms of Gut Microbiota. Professorial Inaugural Lecture. Sisule Enterprise, Morogoro, Tanzania 9.2.2 Journal Articles Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, van Dijk JE. 2002. The heat shock response and cytoprotection of the intestinal epithelium. Cell Stress and Chaperones 7: 191–199. Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Ovelgönne HH, van Asten FJAM, Swennenhuis JF, van Dijk JE. 2003. Expression levels of heat shock proteins in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to Salmonella enteritidis. Cell Stress and Chaperones. 8: 194–203. Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Douma PM, Dirkzwager A, Veldman A, Hendriks HGCJM, van Dijk JE. 2003. Differential modulation of enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to short chain fatty acids. Food Additives and Contaminants 20: 427-437. Matovelo JA, Malago JJ, Maselle RM, Gwamaka M. 2005. Sebaceous gland carcinoma of the perineum and vulva in a Friesian cow: gross and microscopic pathological findings. Veterinary Records 156: 612-613. Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Tooten PCJ, van Liere E, van Dijk JE. 2005. Anti-inflammatory properties of heat shock protein 70 and butyrate on Salmonella-induced interleukin-8 secretion in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 141: 62- 71. Nemeth E, Fajdiga S, Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Tooten PCJ, van Dijk JE. 2006. Inhibition of Salmonella-induced IL-8 synthesis and expression of Hsp70 in enterocytelike Caco-2 cells after exposure to non-starter lactobacilli. International Journal of Food Microbiology 112: 266-274. Makungu M, Malago JJ, Muhairwa AP, Mpanduji DG, Mgassa MN. 2007. Hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to oesophageal foreign body in a dog. Veterinarski Arhiv 77: 463- 467. Malago JJ. Pregnancy toxemia in does. 2007. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 24: 74-78 Koninkx JFJG, Malago JJ. The protective potency of probiotic bacteria and their microbial products against enteric infections. 2008. Folia Microbiologica 53: 189-194. 5 Malago JJ, Omar K.M., Mwangwa M., Isaac M.L.F., Msengwa A.S. Butyrate suppresses the severity of acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis in rats. 2008. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 25: 1-12. Malago JJ, Nondoli H. Sodium arsenite reduces severity of dextran sulfate sodiuminduced ulcerative colitis in rats. 2008. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 9: 341- 350. Malago JJ. The potential of heat shock response in the treatment of theileriosis in cattle. 2008. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 25: 75-89 Malago JJ, Baitilwake MA. Egg traits, fertility, hatchability, and chick survivability of Rhode Island Red, local and crossbred chickens. 2009. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 26: 24-36 Malago JJ, Tooten PCJ, Koninkx JFJG. 2010. Anti-inflammatory properties of probiotic bacteria on Salmonella-induced IL-8 synthesis in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. Beneficial Microbes 1: 121-130. Malago JJ, Nemeth E, Koninkx JFJG, Tooten PCJ, Hendriks HGCJM, van Dijk JE. 2010. Microbial products from Lactobacillus casei Shirota and L. plantarum 299v inhibit Salmonella-induced interleukin-8 synthesis and induce expression of Hsp70 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. Folia Microbiologica 55: 401–408. Koninkx JFJG, Tooten PCJ, Malago JJ. 2010. Probiotic bacteria induced improvement of the mucosal integrity of enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to Salmonella enteritidis 857. Journal of Functional Foods 2: 225-234. Mathew C, Matondo R, Malago JJ, Maselle RM, Mwamengele GL. 2010. Lymphoid leukosis in commercial layers in Morogoro. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 27: 14-20. Malago JJ, Mlay JD. 2013. Detection of Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in condemned cattle lungs at Morogoro municipal abattoir in Tanzania. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 28: 39-48. Malago JJ. 2015. Contribution of microbiota to the intestinal physicochemical barrier. Beneficial Microbes 6: 295-311. Malago JJ, Sangu CL. 2015. Intraperitoneal administration of butyrate prevents the severity of acetic acid colitis in rats. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 16: 224- 234. Malago JJ, Mlay JD. 2015. Immunohistochemical detection of Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides small colony type in lungs of slaughtered cattle at Morogoro slaughterhouse, Tanzania. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 30: 1-12. Malago JJ. 2018. Time and tissue dependent expression of heat shock protein 27, 70 and 90 in mice following hyperthermia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research 38: 70-81 Malago JJ. 2018. Over-expression of heat shock protein 90 reduces the severity of carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in rats. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research 38: 172-188 Nkulikwa ZA, Malago JJ, William GW. 2018. Knowledge of communities about malaria control strategies in Lindi urban district, Tanzania. Health Care Current Reviews 6: 229. doi: 10.4172/2375-4273.1000229 Malago JJ. 2019. Histopathological diagnosis of diseases affecting amphibians inhabiting Kihansi gorge, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science 45: 608-617 6 Malago JJ. 2019. Some histopathological findings in dead Kihansi spray toad in captivity. Tanzania Journal of Science 45: 618-628. Nkulikwa ZA, Malago JJ, Attitudes of communities towards malaria control strategies in Lindi and Mtwara districts, Tanzania. Nursing and Primary Care, In Press.
9.2.3 Book chapters Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG. Modulation of Immune System by Probiotics to Protect against Enteric Disorders. 2011. In: Probiotic Bacteria and Enteric Infections. Eds Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Logar RM. Springer, Dordrecht, NL Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG. Factors Causing Disturbances of the Gut Microbiota. 2011. In: Probiotic Bacteria and Enteric Infections. Eds Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Logar RM. Springer, Dordrecht, NL Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG. 2011. Probiotic-Pathogen Interaction and Enteric Cytoprotection. In: Probiotic Bacteria and Enteric Infections. Eds Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Logar RM. Springer, Dordrecht, NL Malago JJ. 2012. Gastrointestinal Disorders: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention In: Gastrointestinal Disorders: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention (Digestive Diseases Research and Clinical Developments series). Eds Battik M, Grimaldi N. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 1-69. ISBN: 978- 1-62100-997-9. Malago JJ. 2014. The Role of Probiotics on Immune Mediated Disorders. In: Probiotics in Health and Disease: New Research (Digestive Diseases Research and Clinical Developments series). Eds Roma A. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 245-256. ISBN: 978-1-63117-718-7. Malago JJ. 2015. Influence of microbiota to pattern recognition receptor signaling for intestinal immunity. In: Contribution of Microbiota to the Innate and Acquired Gut Immunity during Health and Disease. Malago JJ. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 1-22. ISBN: 978-1-63117-296-0. Malago JJ. 2015. Role of microbiota to leukocytes engendering intestinal innate immune response. In: Contribution of Microbiota to the Innate and Acquired Gut Immunity during Health and Disease. Malago JJ. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 23-47. ISBN: 978-1-63117-296-0. Malago JJ. 2015. Microbiotal shaping of antigen presenting cell signaling during intestinal immune response. In: Contribution of Microbiota to the Innate and Acquired Gut Immunity during Health and Disease. Malago JJ. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 49-79. ISBN: 978-1-63117-296-0. Malago JJ. 2015. Microbiota and functioning of the intestinal humoral immunity. In: Contribution of Microbiota to the Innate and Acquired Gut Immunity during Health and Disease. Malago JJ. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 81-102. ISBN: 978-1-63117-296-0. Malago JJ. 2015. Microbiotal influence on T cell functioning during intestinal health and disease. In: Contribution of Microbiota to the Innate and Acquired Gut Immunity during Health and Disease. Malago JJ. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, pp 103-124. ISBN: 978-1-63117-296-0.
7 9.2.4 Conference/Workshop Papers Koninkx JFJG, Naheed S, Malago JJ, Hendriks HGCJM, van Dijk JE. 2000. Heat shock protein synthesis in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to Salmonella enteritidis. Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Amsterdam, ed van Dijk JE, Mouwen JMVM, Addix, WD, pp172. Malago JJ, Douma PM, Koninkx JFJG, Hendriks HGCJM, van Dijk JE. 2000. Phenotypic modulation of enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells by short chain fatty acids. Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Amsterdam, ed van Dijk JE, Mouwen JMVM, Addix, WD, pp237. Fajdiga S, Bogovič Matijašić B, Koninkx J, Malago JJ, Tooten P, Marinšek Logar R. 2004. Lactobacilli influence the IL-8 synthesis induced by Salmonella enteritidis 857 and can induce expression of Hsp70 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. International Probiotic Conference, Košice, Tjech Republic, Book of Abstracts, p 54. Németh E, Fajdiga S, Malago JJ, Koninkx J, Tooten P, Hendriks H, van Dijk JE. 2004. Inhibition of Salmonella-induced IL-8 synthesis and expression of Hsp70 in enterocytelike Caco-2 cells after exposure to non-starter lactobacilli. The 19th International ICFMH Symposium Food Micro, Portorož, Slovenia. New tools for improving microbial food safety and quality – biotechnology and molecular biology approaches. Book of Abstracts, p 381. Fajdiga S, Koninkx J, Malago JJ, Tooten P, Bogovič Matijašić B, Marinšek Logar R. 2004. Differences in the expression of Hsp70 and IL-8 after exposure of crypt-like and villus-like Caco-2 cells to lactobacilli strains, their fermentation products, butyrate or Salmonella enteritidis 857. Clermont-Ferrand, France, Book of Abstracts, p. 86. Németh E, Koninkx J, Malago JJ. 2004. Investigation of the immune stimulative effect of lactobacilli and their spent culture supernatant. 2nd Central European Congress on Food, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, p 223. Fajdiga S, Koninkx J, Malago JJ, Németh E, Tooten P, Hendriks H, Bogovič Matijašić B, Marinšek Logar R. 2004. Modulation of Hsp70 expression and inhibition of S. enteritidis 857 induced synthesis of IL-8 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to lactobacilli and their fermentation products. The 19th International ICFMH Symposium Food Micro, Portorož, Slovenia, p 377. Malago JJ, Németh E, Koninkx J, Tooten P, Fajdiga S, Dijk JE. 2004. Microbial products from L. casei Shirota and L. plantarum 299v inhibit Salmonella-induced IL-8 synthesis and induce expression of Hsp70 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. Central European Congress on Food, Budapest, Hungary, p 64. Ngowi E, Malago JJ, Maselle RM. 2005. Effect of sodium arsenite on intestinal coccidiosis in rats. Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2005. Cross-talk between heat shock response and nuclear factor kappa B in the cytoprotection of the intestinal epithelium. Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2005. Pregnancy toxaemia in does. Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. 8 Mazigo H., Malago JJ. 2006. Effect of sodium arsenite on paracetamol-induced hepatic necrosis in rats. Proceedings of the 24th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Nondoli H., Malago JJ. 2006. Effect of sodium arsenite on DSS-induced colitis in rats. Proceedings of the 24th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2006. Cellular events following Theileria parva infection: a challenge to East Coast fever therapy. Proceedings of the 24th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ, Nemeth E, Koninkx JFJG, Tooten PCJ, Fajdiga S, Hendriks HGCJM, van Dijk JE. 2007. Lactobacilli products inhibit Salmonella-induced interleukin-8 synthesis and induce production of Hsp 70 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells. The 24th International ICFMH Symposium Food Micro, Portorož, Slovenia, p 77. Malago JJ. 2007. The potential of heat shock response in the treatment of East Coast Fever in cattle. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Tanzania Society of Animal Science and Production - Tanzania Veterinary Association Scientific Conference, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2007. The potential of butyrate in treatment of ulcerative colitis. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Tanzania Society of Animal Science and Production - Tanzania Veterinary Association Scientific Conference, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ, Koninkx JFJG, Tooten PCJ. 2009. Probiotic bacteria improve the mucosal integrity of enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells damaged by Salmonella enteritidis 857. Proceedings of the 26th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2011. Factors causing disturbances of the gut microbiota. Proceedings of the 29th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ, Mlay JD. 2012. Immunohistochemical detection of Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides small colony type in lungs of slaughtered cattle in Tanzania. Proceedings of the 30th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ, Mlay JD. 2012. Detection of Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia at abattoir in Tanzania. Proceedings of the 30th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2014. Microbiotal modulation of the intestinal immune response: mechanisms of intestinal protection by commensal bacteria. Proceedings of the 32nd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania. Malago JJ. 2014. Host-parasite interaction in intestinal immunity: the role of microbiota. Proceedings of the 32nd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania Ndaro N, Malago JJ. 2014. Potential of zinc sulphate and hyperthermia in expression of heat shock proteins 27, 70 and 90 and protection against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Proceedings of the 32nd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania
9 Kaaya NS, Malago JJ. 2014. Time-dependent expression of heat shock proteins 27, 70 and 90 in rats following hyperthermia. Proceedings of the 32nd Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania Malago JJ. 2018. Microbiota prime leukocyte response for intestinal innate immunity. Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 35, 230-236. Malago JJ. 2018. Microbiotal shaping of antigen presenting cell signaling during intestinal immune response. Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 35, 237- 243. Makungu M, Malago JJ. 2018. Caudal mediastinal abscessation in an adult East African black headed ewe -A case report. Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings Vol. 35, 145-150. Malago JJ. 2020. The contribution of microbiota to the host immunity against COVID-19. 38 th Scientific Conference of the Tanzania Veterinary Association, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania 9.3 Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
9.3.1 Malago JJ. Regimen-dependent butyrate amelioration of ulcerative colitis in rats. Submitted to Beneficial Microbes 9.4 Unpublished Material 9.4.1 Manuscripts under Preparations Malago JJ, Salekwa LP, Mlay JD. Butyrate protects rats against acute acetic acid ulcerative colitis and induces expression of heat shock protein 70. Malago JJ, Kainga H, Mlay JD. Sodium-arsenite protects rats against acute acetic acid ulcerative colitis and induces expression of heat shock proteins 27, 70, and 90 Malago JJ, Nyakuru N, Mlay JD. Hyperthermia potentiates carbon-tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in old rats Malago JJ, Nyakuru N, Mlay JD. Zinc sulphate reduces the severity of carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in old rats and induces expression of heat shock proteins 27, 70, and 90
9.4.2 Books under preparations Malago JJ. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance. Malago JJ. Colour Atlas for Amphibian Histopathology with Special Reference to Kihansi Spray Toad 10.1 Selected Invited International Presentations 10.1.1 Malago JJ, Németh E, Koninkx J, Tooten P, Fajdiga S, Hendriks H, van Dijk JE. Immunomodulation of the innate immune response in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to lactobacilli (seminar). Zootechnical Department, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep 8-17, 2004
10 10.1.2 Maselle RM, Matovelo JA, Malago JJ, Mwamengele GL, Semuguruka WD. Highlights on the pathology of selected diseases affecting domestic animals in Tanzania. CL Davis Foundation Symposium, Kampala, Uganda, Dec 2006.
10.1.3 Malago JJ. Pathogenesis of Theileria parva: a close look and challenge to therapy. CL Davis Foundation Symposium, Kampala, Uganda, Dec 2006. 10.1.4 Malago JJ, Matovelo JA, Mwamengele GL, Maselle RM, Semuguruka WD. Reported cases of disorders of digestive diseases of dairy animals in Tanzania. CL Davis Foundation Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 Nov 2007.
10.2 Selected Professional Conferences Attended
10.2.1 Tanzania Veterinary Association annual Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania. 2003- 2011, consecutively
10.2.2 CL Davis Foundation Symposium, Kampala, Uganda, 2006. 10.2.3 CL Davis Foundation Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya, 2007
10.2.4 Joint Tanzania Society of Animal Science and Production - Tanzania Veterinary Association Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 2007, 2010
10.2.5 First international congress on Pathogens at the Human-Animal Interface (ICOPHAI): Impact, Limitations, and Needs in Developing countries. September 15-17, 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
10.2.6 Second International Workshop for Regulation of Animal Biotechnology. Aug 18-21, 2014, Brasilia, Brazil. 10.2.7 Transgenic Animal Research Conference. Aug 9-12, 2015,Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City, California, USA.
10.2.8 Application of Modern Genetic Tools to Livestock Production. Aug 14, 2015, Tahoe City, California, USA.
11.1 Diagnostic pathology (establishing causes of death) services for sick and dead animals
11.2 Research works on mechanisms of diseases especially those involving the immune system 11.3 Poultry disease diagnosis and control
12.1 Professor Robert Mdoda Maselle, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 0758610362
12.2 Professor Anna Sikira, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 0767660711 12.3 Professor Reuben Shazia Mnyuku, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 0752047869