Bi Mary Jackson Magonka

Bi Mary Jackson Magonka
Mkurugenzi wa Kanda ya Magharibi
Barua pepe:
Simu: +255 656 613244
A. Personal information
Surname: Magonka Other Name(s): Mary Jackson Sex: Female Nationality: Tanzanian Marital Status: Married
First appointment: 12th June, 2008 Current Employer: Tanzania Livestock Research Institute Current Designation Senior Research Officer II Mailing Address TALIRI Nsimbo, Katavi, Tanzania. Phone Number +255 764 508782/+255 656 613244 Email address
B. Academic qualifications D
2010 - 2013 Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) 3 Years MSc. (Tropical Animal Production) 2013
2001 - 2004 Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) 4 Years BSc. (Animal Science and Production) 2004
1996 -1998 Nganza Secondary School 2 years Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(ACSEE) 1998 1
992 -1995 Nganza Secondary School 4 years Certificate of Secondary School Education Examination (CSSE) 1995
1985 - 1991 Bisarwi Primary School 7 years Certificate of Primary Education(CPE) 1991
C. Work experience
1. Director of TALIRI Western zone.
Main duties: Supervision on all issues at the centre and around the zone (From late April 2023 to date)
2. Head of Small Ruminant Department. Main Duties: Supervision, coordination and monitoring of Goats project programme (From late November 2019 to late April 2023) 2
3. Chairman for Womens Economic Empowerment Forum at Mpwapwa district. Main duties: To create awarness to womens on their right without violence on business to improve living standard, training to gilrs at schools on how to focus on studies for better future, issues of accessing loan and entreprenuaship skills ( 2019 – 2022)
4. Coordinator on Community Outreach Programmes at Tanzania Livestock Research Institute, Mpwapwa. Main duties: Coordinating all activities concern outreach (August 2017 to date)
5. Sub National Coordinator (SNC) in Central Zone of Tanzania in African Chicken Genetic Gains Project. Main Duties: To coordinate the activities of the project, organize, facilitate and lead a wide range of stakeholders, both national and international (July 2015 to June 2017)
6.Principal investigator on „Enhancing availability of quality indigenous Day Old Chicks for Commercial Poultry Producers through establishment of Grand-parent and Parent Stocks‟ (2012 – 2015).
7.Head of Non Ruminant Department. Main Duties: Supervision, coordination and monitoring of pig and poultry project programme (January 2012 to November 2019)
8. Livestock Research officer at Tanzania Livestock Research Institute in the Department of Non Ruminant at Poultry units since July 2009 to December, 2011
9. Livestock Research officer at Tanzania Livestock Research Institute in the Department of Small Ruminant since July 2008 to June, 2009
10. Business loan officer at FINCA microfinance in Dodoma region from July 2007 – June 2008
11. Village Bank loan officer at FINCA microfinance Limited at Morogoro region from January 2006 – June 2007
12. Teacher at Bahari Beach High school in Dar es salaam from January 2005 – December 2005
D. Relevant training
1.4th GCRF – STARS Training on “Animal Breeding, Genome Technologies, Mathematical Modelling and Data in Agriculture”, at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Nairobi, Kenya from 19th to 25th February, 2023
2.Training workshop on how to write scientific results for media use in a simple way, between scientists and Journalists held at Airport Dodoma from 15 to 16 December 2020
3. Workshop on preparation on research bulletin no.3 held at COSTECH from 16th to 18th September, 2020 3
4. 2 nd GCRF – STARS Training on “Animal Breeding, Genome Technologies, Mathematical Modelling and Data in Agriculture”, at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Nairobi, Kenya from 09th to 19th August, 2019
5. Workshop on AGORA and TEEL programmes for Tanzania held at TALIRI- Mpwapwa (18 to 20 October, 2016)
6. Workshop on Facilitation Training for the African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) from 9 th to 12th July 2015 at Addis Ababa in Ethiopia
7.Workshop on Science, Technology, & Innovation Policy Course ·13-17 June 2011 at Dar es salaam, Tanzania
8. Workshop on Animal Feedstuff Tables and Feed Formulation, held at SUA, Morogoro at Department of Animal Science and Production (17th to 23rd October, 2010)
9.Workshop on Client Oriented Research Development and Management Approach (CORDEMA), held at Umoja Hostel, Moshi (2 nd to 14th March, 2009)
10.Workshop on Access, Use and Dissemination of E – Resources, 16th to 18th, September, 2008, SUA- Morogoro E
On going research activities
1. To explore information on the physical characteristics of Gogo white, Buha and Blended goats and social economic for development.
2. Improving poultry production through community innovation platforms where farmers do identify challenges and opportunities in a participatory way.
3. Improving pig productivity through feeding and feeding system and disseminate improved technologies for improving food security and poverty alleviation. This include identification of locally available feed resources which are not competitive to human which will reduce production cost.
F. Research papers/Publications
1.Magonka J.M and Shigulu H.K (2021). Status of Indigenous Chickens Raised under Smallholder Farmers in the Central zone of Tanzania: A case study of Mpwapwa District. Paper presented at 44th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP) Conference from 27th -29th October 2021, Olasit garden Arusha.
2. Magonka J.M., D.M Komwihangilo and J. Malago (2021). Evaluation of Baobab Seed Cake based Diets for Growth performance and Carcass Quality of Pigs in Central zone, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2021) Vol. 20 No. 1, 146-152
3. Magonka M. J, Kimaro E.R, Shigulu H.K , Kimbi E.C, Komwihangilo D.M (2020). Evaluation on Growth Performance of different genotype of goats managed on station in Central Part of Tanzania. Paper presented at 43th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP) Conference from 2 nd to 4th , December 2020, St. Gasper Hotel, Dodoma.
4.Magonka M. J, Shigulu H. K and Kimbi E.C (2019). Relationship between body weight from linear 4 body measurements of improved chickens in Central part of Tanzania. Paper presented at 42th Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP) Conference from 23rd to 25th , October 2019, St. Gasper Hotel, Dodoma.
5. Magonka, J.M., Komwihangilo, D.M., Njau, B.G., Semuguruka, Y., Malingila, B.P. and Daniel, E (2018). Growth Performance of Pigs Fed Baobab Seed Cake Based Diets. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2018) Vol. 17 No. 2, 54-59
6. J.M Magonka, D.S Sendalo, E.H Goromela, P.B Malingira and Daniel, E (2016). Production Performance of Indigenous Chicken under semi intensive system management conditions in Central Tanzania. Journal of the Open University of Tanzania , Vol 22: 82- 89
7. Jackson, M, Chenyambuga, S.W., Komwihangilo, D.M and Ndemanisho, E.E (2012). Production Performance and contribution of Dairy goats to Income of small scale farmer. A case of Babati and Kongwa Districts in Tanzania. Third RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 24th -28th September, 2012 Entebbe, Uganda.
8. M Jackson, S .W. Chenyambuga, E E Ndemanisho and D M Komwihangilo (2014). Production performance of Toggenburg dairy goats in semi-arid and sub-humid areas of Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Vol. 26 (2) 2014
9. S W Chenyambuga, M Jackson, E E Ndemanisho and D M Komwihangilo (2014). Profitability and contribution of small-scale dairy goat production to income of smallholder farmers in Babati and Kongwa districts, Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Vol. 26 (2) 2014
10. S. W. Chenyambuga, D.M. Komwihangilo and M. Jackson. (2012). Production performance and desirable traits of Small East African goats in semi –arid areas of Central Tanzania. . Livestock Research for Rural Development. Vol. 24 (2) 2012.
11. Komwihangilo, D.M., Jackson, M., Munishi, Y and Liheta, B.S.A. (2012). Situational analysis of smallholder goat production and marketing in Central Tanzania point towards the establishment of farmers‟ group. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Vol 4(12) : 356- 364
12. Mlela J, Komwihangilo D.M, Ndemanisho E. E , Jackson, M. and Chenyambuga S.W (2011). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of Blended goats fed browse leaf meals and Cotton seed cake as protein supplements. Paper presented at 35th TSAP conference from 23rd to 26th, October 2011, Olasit garden Arusha.
13. Komwihangilo, D. M, Chawala, A, Mbeho, A, Jackson, M and Wassena, F. (2008). Opportunities and challenges in the management of animal biodiversity in mixed livestock systems of Tanzania. Paper presented during COSTEC Conference, AICC 5 - 7 November, 2008. Arusha-Tanzania
Effective team working Self motivated Comfortably taking the initiative and working independently Ability to manage multiple tasks in a pressured environment Task oriented and willing to advice and advised 5 Working under minimal supervision and Making change on working environment H.
Personal referees:
1. Prof. Erick V. Komba
Director General
Tanzania Livestock Research Institute
P.O BOX 834, Dodoma Tanzania
Tel.: (Office) +255 2320853 Mobile: +255 684 227988
2. Prof. Chenyambuga Sebastian
Senior Lecturer at Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Tanzania
Department of Animal Science and Production,
P.O.BoX 3004 Tel.: (Office) + 255 23 2604617 Mobile: + 255 784 754574
Email: or I: CERTIFICATION I certify to the best of my knowledge that the bio-data presented above, correctly describes my particulars, qualifications and experience