Dkt Zabron Cuthibert Nziku

Dkt Zabron Cuthibert Nziku
Mkurugenzi wa Kanda ya Mashariki
Barua pepe:
Simu: +255742808703
1. Full Name Zabron Cuthibert Nziku
2. Current Position: Director
3. Company: Tanzania Livestock Research Institute(TALIRI)-Eastern Zone
4. Date of birth: 05/04/1979
5. Sex Male
6. NIDA No. 19790405254060000129
7. Occupation: Senior Research Officer,
8. Contact Details TALIRI EZ, P.O.Box 5016, Tanga, Email: and, Mobile: +255742808703,
Nziku, is a senior researcher with over Sixteen (16) years of experience offering technical services in the field of biological sciences, social sciences and related policy issues. He earned Bachelor Degree of Science in Animal Science, Master of Science (MSc.) degree in Animal Science, Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Animal breeding and Genetics on sustainable dairy breeding program in Tanzania. These academic and career experience lead him to develop a comprehensive view about the interdisciplinary relationships among various field of biological sciences and networking.
Nziku, have both theoretical as well as practical in Animal breeding and Genetics, developing dairy breeding plans and Reproductive technologies, Biometrical Methods in Animal Breeding, livestock breeding and mechanization among others. The research works included coordination of research works, collection of field data, data analysis writing, presenting research works and publishing, consultancy works included Investment in Dairy Sector-Tanga Fresh Ltd, Livestock expert under “The Integrated Project for Agricultural Growth in the Great Lakes (PICAGL)” in DRC and livestock Specialist “collect livestock activity data for GHG in Tanzania (FANRPAN) to mention few. Project Awarded and lead: (a) AU-IBAR Regional projects on genetic resources evaluation and conservation (Pare White goats and Sahiwal cattle), (b) Innovate UK project number 48598 developing milk quality analysis tool and (c) COSTECH project developing feed formular for cattle fattening, (d) Maziwa Faida Tanzania program for dairy value chain development in Tanzania to mention few.
Employment record and relevant experience:
2007 to date: Research Scientist, Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI)
2018 ongoing: Director for TALIRI-Eastern Zone, Tanga
2017-2018: Director for TALIRI- Northern Zone West Kilimanjaro
2017 ongoing: Assistant Secretary General for Tanzania Society of Animal Production(TSAP) 9. Education and academic attainments
2011-2016: PhD student, Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NMBU), Norway
2010 ongoing Head of the household with three children
2009-2012: MSc. Student, Sokoine University of Life Sciences (SUA), Tanzania
2007-2009: Head of animal breeding division, TALIRI-West Kilimanjaro.
2002-2005: BSc. Student, Sokoine University of Life Sciences (SUA), Tanzania
Professional short courses and conferences attended:
2022, 2023: Project Lead Exchange Visit Ireland
2021: Livestock expert consultancy work, PICAGL project DRC
2019: Research Placement at the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH), UK Page | 2
2019: Continental Training of the trainers (TOT) workshop on the African Animal Genetic Resources Information System (AAGRIS) Kenya
2019: Official Launch of the state of the Farm Animal Genetic Resources in Africa Kenya 2019 Official Launch of East Africa Regional Gene Bank Uganda
2019: 6th steering committee meeting of the Sub-Region Focal Points (SRFPs) and General Assembly on AnGRs for the East African Region Uganda
2018: 5th steering committee meeting of the Sub-Region Focal Points (SRFPs) and General Assembly on AnGRs for East African Region Kenya
2017: 4th steering committee meeting of the Sub-Region Focal Points (SRFPs) and General Assembly on AnGRs for East African Region Kenya
2017: 3rd World International Workshop for Regulation of Animal Biotechnology. June 26-30,
2017: Inn at Darden 10 Duffy Bouelvard Charlottesville, Virginia…invited. USA
2017: Luke-ADGG Quantitative Genetics and Animal Evaluation Joint course 5th -9th June, 2017. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia
2016: The 3rd Regional Consultative Meeting (General Assembly) for Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) for East Africa Region by AU-IBAR Tanzania
2016: International conference on goats Turkey 2016 Building Stronger Universities (BSU). Multivariate Data Analysis Training Course Tanzania 2015 BecA-ILRI Hub, Animal Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Training Kenya 2014 Workshop on Livestock Technical Conversion Factors Study Tanzania 2014 All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture (AACAA) Kenya 2013 Sustainable Animal breeding programs. NOVA Course Denmark 2011 European Association on Animal Production (EAAP) conference Norway 2013 ILRI -SLU –FAO workshop Rwanda 2011 ILRI -SLU –FAO workshop Ethiopia 2007 TALIRI workshops participated-Several Tanzania 2009 ILRI -SLU –FAO workshop Tanzania 2009 Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) short course on Livestock breeding and Mechanization Turkey 2008 ILRI -SLU –FAO workshop Tanzania 2008 World Conference on Animal Production (WCAP) S. Africa
. Publications and Presentations
Vincent Habimana, Chinyere Charlotte, Ekine-Dzivenu , Athumani Shabani Nguluma, Zabron Cuthibert Nziku , Gota Morota ,Sebastian Wilson Chenyambuga ,Raphael Mrode, 2023. Genes and models for estimating genetic parameters for heat tolerance in dairy cattle. Review article. Front. Genet. Sec. Livestock Genomics. Volume 14 – 2023 •
Vincent Habimana, Athumani Shabani Nguluma, Zabron Cuthibert Nziku, Chinyere Charlotte EkineDzivenu, Gota Morota, Raphael Mrode, Sebastian Wilson Chenyambuga, 2023. Heat stress effects on milk yield traits and metabolites and mitigation strategies for dairy cattle breeds reared in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Review article Front. Vet. Sci., 07 July 2023. Volume 10 - 2023 •
Samy Bashizi Bacigale, Rodrigue Basengere Ayagirwe,Valence Bwana Mutwedu,Yannick Mugumaarhahama, Janvier Zirhumana Mugisho, Zabron Nziku, Mamadou Fofana, Patchimaporn Udomkun, Jacob Mignouna, 2023. Assessing milk products quality, safety, and influencing factors along the dairy value chain in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Original Research article. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. Sec. Agro-Food Safety. Volume 7 – 2023. •
F. M. Chamwazi, A. Nguluma, Z. C. Nziku, and S. H. Mbaga, 2023. Pre and Post-Weaning Growth and Survivability of Three Genotypes of Cattle at TALIRI Tanga, Tanzania. Asian Journal of Research in Page | 3 Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Volume XXX, Issue XX, Page XX-XX, 20YY; Article no. AJRAVS.107959. •
Samy Bashizi Bacigale, Rodrigue Basengere Ayagirwe, Valence Bwana Mutwedu, Yannick Mugumaarhahama, Janvier Zirhumana Mugisho, Zabron Nziku, Mamadou Fofana, Patchimaporn Udomkun and Jacob Mignouna, 2023. Assessing milk products quality, safety, and influencing factors along the dairy value chain in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Front. Sustain Agro-Food Safety V7| •
Habimana V, Ekine-Dzivenu CC, Nguluma AS, Nziku ZC, Morota G, Chenyambuga SW and Mrode R (2023). Genes and models for estimating genetic parameters for heat tolerance in dairy cattle. Front. Genet. 14:1127175. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1127175. •
Athumani Nguluma, Martina Kyallo, Getinet Mekuriaw Tarekegn, Rose Loina, Zabron Nziku, Sebastian Chenyambuga, Roger Pelle, 2021. Mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequence analysis reveals high variation and multiple maternal origins of indigenous Tanzanian goat populations. Ecology and Evolution. 2021; 00:1– 11. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8265. •
Athumani Nguluma, Martina Kyallo, Getinet Mekuriaw Tarekegn, Rose Loina, Zabron Nziku, Sebastian Chenyambuga, Roger Pelle, 2022. Typology and characteristics of indigenous goats and production systems in diferent agro‐ecological zones of Tanzania. Tropical Animal Health and Production (2022) 54:70 •
Nziku Z.C., A Nyangwa, F Lukindo, V Urassa, W Mangesho, Z Massawe, A Meshaki, 2019. Operationalization of public private partnership policy in the livestock sector in Tanzania: a case study of Tanga Fresh Limited and TALIRI-Tanga. 42nd Scientitic Conferemce of The Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th October 2019 at St. Gaspar Hotels, Dodoma, Tanzania. •
Z.C. Nziku, F. Lukindo, H. Mgonja V. Urassa, W. E. Mangesho, Z. Massawe and B. Masakia, 2020. What a dairy farmer wants you to know, and possible strategies for developing appropriate technologies. The 43th TSAP, St. GasparDodoma, Tanzania, 02 – 04 December 2020. •
A. S. Nguluma, E. Hyera, Z.C. Nziku, E. M. Shirima, M. S. H. Mashingo, R. N. B. Lobo, T. Getachew, B. Rischkowsky and A. Haile 2020. Characterization of the production system and breeding practices of indigenous goat keepers in Hai district, Northern Tanzania: implications for community-based breeding program. Tropical Animal Health and Production. •
Msalya G., Nziku Z.C., Gondwe T., Kifaro G.C., Eik L.O., Ådnøy T. (2020). Book Chapter: The Need for Farmer Support and Record Keeping to Enhance Sustainable Dairy Goat Breeding in Tanzania and Malawi. In: Singh B., Safalaoh A., Amuri N., Eik L., Sitaula B., Lal R. (eds) Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. Springer, Cham, pp 287-299.DOI 37537-9_17. •
Nziku Z.C., A Nyangwa, F Lukindo, V Urassa, W Mangesho, Z Massawe, A Meshaki, 2019. Operationalization of public private partnership policy in the livestock sector in Tanzania: a case study of Tanga Fresh Limited and TALIRI-Tanga. 42nd Scientitic Conferemce of The Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP), Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th October 2019 at St. Gaspar Hotels, Dodoma, Tanzania. •
Nguluma, A S, E. Hyera; Z. C. Nziku; E. M. Shirima; R. N. B. Lobo; T. Getachew; B. Rischkowsky; M. S. H Mashingo; A. Haile, 2019. Characterization of the production system and breeding practices of indigenous goat keepers in Hai district, Northern Tanzania: Implications for community-based breeding program. Tropical Animal Health and Production Journal. •
Hyera E, Kajuna J A, Nguluma A S, Marwa L J, Niyoifasha C J, Mlimbe M E, Rugaimukamu A P, Latonga P M, Ochanga P O, Shirima E J M, Mashingo M S H and Nziku Z C 2018: On-station comparison study on growth performance of Red Maasai and Black Head Persian lambs in Northern Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, Article #156. •
Hyera E, Mlimbe M E, Sanka J D, Minja M G, Rugaimukamu A P, Latonga P M, Mbembela E G, Nguluma A S, Nziku Z C, Mashingo M S H and Shirima E J M 2018: On-station growth performance evaluation of Small East African and dual purpose goat breeds in Northern Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 30, Article #159. Page | 4 •
Nziku Z. C., Kifaro G C, Eik L O, Steine T, Msalya G and Ådnøy T 2017: Situation analysis and prospects for establishing a dairy goat breeding program in Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Vol. 29, Article #223. •
Nziku Z. C., Kifaro G C, Eik L O, Steine T and Ådnøy T 2017: Use of simulation to examine a dairy goat breeding program in Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 29, Article #43. •
Nziku Z. C. (2016). Essentials for sustainable dairy goat breeding program in Tanzania. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D) of Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway. 2016. •
Nziku, Z.C., Kifaro, G.C., Eik, L.O., Steine, T. and Ådnøy, T. (2016). Reasons for keeping dairy goats in Tanzania, and possible goals for a sustainable breeding program. Animal Production Science 57(2) 2017. •
Nziku Z.C., Katule A, Chenyambuga SW and Mruttu H, 2016. The Reasons, Herd Characteristics and Management of Indigenous Gogo Sheep in Central Tanzania. RRJVS| Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 8-12. •
Nziku, Z. C., Asheim, L. J., Eik, L. O. & Mwaseba, D. (2016). Climate change adaptation in vulnerable crop and livestock production systems in Mgeta, Tanzania. Vol 16 (2):10853-10865. •
Mruttu A.H., Boettcher P., Msanga, Y.N., Salu, R and Nziku C.Z. Characterization of four Populations of Locally Adapted Goats in Tanzania. Proceedings from the Tanzania Society on Animal Production (TSAP) workshop in Olasit Garden, Arusha Tanzania from 24-27th September 2014. 12.
Major consultancy assignments completed 2020 To collect Livestock Sector activity data in Tanzania, a project under The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) is supporting the Global Alliance for Research (GRA) in Agriculture Greenhouse Gases.
2020 Implement livestock activities under “The Integrated Project for Agricultural Growth in the Great Lakes (PICAGL)” in DRC.
2019 Participated fully in: Developing national and regional strategies: National strategies and action plans (NSAPS) as a national compact to implement global plan of action for animal genetic resources in Tanzania, National strategy and action plan to combat invasive species (NSACIS) 2019- 2029, National livestock research agenda for livestock sector 2019-2025, Strategy for the Conservation and Ragional Utilization of Livestock Genetic Resources in the East African Community (EAC),
2019 Facilitate prepare training manuals on breeding and conservation aspects, train Sahiwal farmers and Sahiwal breed formation for genetic improvement and conservation of Sahiwal cattle in Tanzania, a consultancy by AU-IBAR
2018 Participated fully in developing Animal Breeding Act. for Tanzania.
2017 Facilitate Field Monitoring, data collection and reporting for genetic improvement and conservation of Sahiwal project in Tanzania, Consultancy by AU-IBAR.
2016 Team leader: Data Collection and Field Monitoring: genetic improvement and Community based Conservation of Pare white goats in Tanzania
2016 Participated fully in developing a strategy for increased milk supply in Tanga, coastal, and Morogoro regions, a consultancy work by Tanga Fresh LTD, Tanzania
Countries visited:
Ireland, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, DRC, Rwanda, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and UK-Scotland.
Languages: Speaking: Reading: Writing: English Fluent Very good Very good Kiswahili Fluent Excellent Excellen