Bi Neema Shiletikwa Urassa

As a Livestock and Rural Development Scientist, Neema has long term experience in local and international livestock research and development projects; having worked as socio-economic and gender Scientist focusing on Community Empowerment in Livestock Business Indices. She is specialized in Animal Production and Rural Development as well as gender features. Her academic and professional qualifications include a Master of Arts (Rural Development) and Bachelor of Arts (Rural Development) respectively from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA); Diploma in Animal Production and Certificate of Animal Health and Production from the Livestock Training Institute (LITI) Mpwapwa, Tanzania. Along her career, she attended various professional development courses in livestock production sciences and gender within and outside Tanzania. Neema is currently serving as the Acting Manager for Livestock Technology Transfer Unit at Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) headquarters Dodoma.